Those that have been following my work for some time now are well aware of my best friends' incredible nonprofit, the JABCECC. It was a pleasure to connect JABCECC with my favorite photo studio Monarch Studios for an incredible collaboration in the Powder Room!
"The Judith A Bassett Canid Education and Conservation Center is a not for profit organization (501c3 charity tax ID 81-3848496) located in Santa Ysabel, CA and Southern Utah.
It has been said that dogs are man's best friend. This is a sentiment that anyone who has ever shared their life with one of these lovable canids would certainly agree. My husband and I have spent all our lives around these remarkable animals. The creation of the JAB Canid Education and Conservation Center is our way to try to give back to these animals some of the love they have given us. The center is dedicated specifically to canids. The canid family consists of both wolf/dog like animals (Canines) and fox like animals (Vulpines). The center is home to the famous Russian domesticated foxes and is focusing on the rescue and conservation of Primitive Dogs (New Guinea Singing Dogs and Dingoes), coyotes, foxes, and wolf-dogs. We partner with canine shelters, rescues, and animal assisted therapy organizations, as well as experts in anthropology, genetics and canine cognition.
It is the only center that has primitive dogs (like the NGSD) and the Russian domesticated foxes – two animals that are key to understanding how animals have become domesticated. This research is offering new insights into human social disorders.
Evidence Based Animal Assisted Therapy Programs. We will utilize different types of canids to provide programs to individuals with conditions where healing with animals has been shown to improve a disease state or condition. Many of these animals will be rescued from shelters, through our collaborations with these organizations, which will give them an opportunity to help themselves by helping people.
Interactive Educational Events with our Ambassador animals. We have Ambassadors that can be held and touched. This will allow the public to have interactions with some very unique Canids and obtain a better understanding of them. Through interaction comes understanding, through understanding comes appreciation, and through appreciation comes conservation.
We will strive to offer unique solutions to aid in the conservation and the promotion of the general welfare of all canids. By utilizing the latest research from academia combined with novel approaches found in the business world, we hope to change many of the paradigms that currently do not fully address many of the problems faced by canids. "
